For Jamie

I was trying to explain to our four year old son why I was heading off to Africa for a couple of months to do some humanitarian work, and ended up writing my thoughts down a bit more formally so I could get them straight in my head.


When I was young I watched the stars
And wondered if there’s life on Mars
I thought it really would be ace
To live my life out there in Space

I imagined us - all cast astray
Our tiny rock in the Milky Way
Spinning with an awesome power
At over a million miles per hour.

And I realised just how small we seem
A humble part of the grandest scheme
Inconsequential – or so I thought
With time so long but life so short

When I was young it seemed to me
The simplest way for humanity
To survive in our small patch of Space
Was to unite -    one human race!

I thought:

“Who cares what tiny part of this tiny rock hurtling through the Universe you come from?
We’re all in this together! Together we can make this life such an amazing adventure!”

But as I grew old
I was often told
I should’ve cared
I should be scared

They told me:

“Be scared of those different to you
With different thoughts, of different hue
Be worried – they just want what’s yours
We shouldn’t let them near our shores

“Scroungers”, “migrants”, “refugees”
They’d always use words such as these
As if somehow it’d make them be
Any less a person than you or me

I see you now son, setting out
On your own adventure - there’s no doubt
There will be highs, there will be lows
That’s just the way that this life goes

When you’re riding high and things are great
I hope that you’ll appreciate
How quickly circumstance can shift
And you’ll be the one who needs a lift.

And I hope you’ll feel you always can
Offer help to your fellow man
Not because I told you to
But ‘cause you think it’s the right thing too


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