Address to Haggises In General
So, it's Burn's night. I've always felt a particular affinity with the Scottish people, mainly because I really really like fried food. I also like Haggis, as documented in this poem: Address to Haggises In General Haggis is such a tasty treat For connoisseurs of oddball meat Scottish folk are always pining For offal served in stomach lining Haggis that’s grilled, haggis fondue Haggis en croute, haggis in stew Haggis deep fried, Haggis dry roasted Haggis concasse, Haggis that’s toasted Haggis tempura, Haggis by Heston Haggis with extra assorted intestine Haggis that’s stuffed with Haggis rilettes Haggis paninis and Haggis baguettes It’s true that if I had my way I’d eat some haggis every day