Labour Brexit, Project Fear and Doing Cartwheels on the Stairs

Is it the role of politicians simply to reflect public opinion, or should they attempt to shape opinion for the greater good? Should they just give us what we want, or should they tell us what we need? Does unadultered democracy in its purest form lead to utopia, or Boaty McBoatface, Honey G, and the reinstatement of public hangings? Most of the time there's a significant overlap between "things the majority of the public want" and "things that are good for the country". But there will always be bits that don't match up, and what do you do then? I guess those are the times we should be greatful we live in a country where we can have honest and open debates about these issues. Cough. Cough. Splutter. Cough. These are the times for politicians to earn their stripes. Would you really press ahead with something you think will be harmful, just because people seem to want it? Yeah, probably. Might lose some votes otherwise. Anyway, although the shite has been ...