With great power comes...
"With great power comes great responsibility". A wise man once said that. Batman I think it was. Or at least his butler. I've been thinking about that quote a lot recently, especially with the recent revelations in the UN report on austerity in the UK . I say "revelations", but I guess it just depends how much attention you've been paying. With all the talk of "taking our country back", how many of us knew what the country was really like to start with? T he UN’s rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights declared that levels of child poverty in the UK were “not just a disgrace, but a social calamity and an economic disaster”, and that the UK government has inflicted “great misery” on its people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering rather than economic necessity. Oooft. Strong stuff. But if that's true (spoiler alert: it definitely is) ...