
It’s not well-known, but Stevi e Wonder is superstitious. Very in fact. The writing’s on the wall , to be honest . He’s a nightmare to work with - the recording studio is always full of rabbits’ feet , he won’t work on Friday the 13th, and he once almost blinded a backing singer by throwing salt over his shoulder. But why do seemingly rational people believe such irrational things? “Magical thinking” is defined as the belief that an object, action or circumstance not logically related to a course of events can influence its outcome. For example, examining the pattern of tea leaves in a cup cannot (given what we know about the principle of causal relations) logically predict the future. I’ll stick to astrology , thank you very much. There’s numerous examples of magical thinking - whether it’s ‘black cats’, ‘lucky’ mascots, ‘walking under ladders’, ‘breaking mirrors’, ‘homeopathy’, ‘organised religion’ or ‘string’ t...